Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations 5-Volume Set
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations 5-Volume Set
Worldmark Encyclopedia of the Nations 5-Volume Set
Publisher: Gale Cengage | ISBN: 1414410891 | edition 2006 | PDF | 3517 pages | 84 mb
Retaining the structure of past editions, volume 1 covers the United Nations, and the remaining volumes cover Africa, Americas, Asia and Oceania, and urope. A total of 194 countries are profiled, one more (for Montenegro) than in the previous edition. Each country entry begins with a picture of the flag and the national emblem (in black and white) and a digest of facts about the capital, the flag, the national anthem, the monetary unit, the system of weights and measures, national holidays, and the time relative to noon, Greenwich mean time. The digest is followed by 48 uniform sections covering topics in geography, demographics, religion, history, government, economics, and society and culture. One section is devoted to famous people, a feature students will find useful. Each entry also includes a map and a bibliography. All of the bibliographies have been updated and now include a great many titles published since 2000. All facts, figures, and other information have been checked and verified or updated as well.