
UltraEdit-32 v.13.10


Ultra Edit - Text, HEX, HTML & programmers editor for allyour editing. An excellent replacement for Notepad and a whole lot more. Powerful yet very easy to use for thenovice and experienced power user. The userconfigurable syntax highlighting (coloring) ispre-configured for HTML, Java, C/C++, VB - even hasspecial support for ASP. Users have often edited filesof 1GB or larger with UltraEdit-32. Its disk-basedediting design allows for easy handling of large fileswithout using up lots of RAM. UltraEdit-32 will meet
Key Features:
- Code Folding
- Supports 64-bit file handling (standard) on all 32-bit Windows platforms
- UNICODE support
- Disk based text editing - supports files in excess of 4GB, minimum RAM used even for multi-megabyte files
- 100,000 word spell checker, with foreign languages support (American English, British English, Dutch, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Spanish and Swedish)
- Syntax highlighting - configurable, pre-configured for C/C++, VB, HTML, Java, and Perl, with special options for FORTRAN and LaTex. Multiple wordfiles available for download
- FTP client built in to give access to FTP servers with multiple account settings and automatic logon and save. (32-Bit Only) Includes support for SFTP (SSH2).
- Project/Workspace support
- Configurable keyboard mapping (32-Bit only)
- Column/block mode editing
- Hexadecimal Editor - allows editing of any binary file, shows binary and ASCII view
- Named Templates
- HTML Toolbar preconfigured for popular functions
- Integration with UltraSentry to securely delete UltraEdit temporary files
- Multi-byte Support with Integrated IME Support

Changes in UltraEdit-32 v13.10; 6/12/2007:
+1 Issues Fixed (updated on 06/21/07)
* Search with regular expressions enabled causes application hang
* Search option "Match Files if string is not found" not working with regular expressions enabled
* Replace in selection corrupts file when Perl regular expressions are enabled
* Crash with Find In Files with "Results to Edit Window" and closing and rerunning a Find In Files
* Invalid argument encountered when bringing up the Find or Replace dialog
* Function list not displaying functions from UTF-8 files when Perl regular expressions enabled
* Directory erroneously shows up in File/Types combobox of UE/UEStudio Find in Files dialog
* "Add or Remove Programs" not displaying UE icon
* If a file is loaded, and you open another file from command line, cursor disappears
* Ctrl and/or alt and any cursor key not allowed in key mapping
* Crash when connecting to ftp server with long server banner
* Saving an FTP file stalls part-way through reporting "Upload Command Failed"
* Added menu/toolbar icon for Show Spaces/Tabs command
* Added support for column mode to Goto line/col select in a Macro
* Added remember font option in ASCII Table dialog
* Added key mapping for Show Line Endings

UltraEdit-32 v.13.10 (with hotfix 4 ) out now :
* Reverted to wordfile with UE regular expressions only
* Error opening FTP file in Explorer view when connecting to MVS server
* Cannot add FTP files to projects
* Moving caret when text is selected stops at selection boundary

http://bravoshare.net/d.php?f=72&i=2256 HIGH SPEED DOWNLOAD, NO LIMITS, NO PASSWORD.

IDM UltraEdit + Serial


Przeznaczony dla programistów edytor heksadecymalny i HTML, obsługujący format UNICODE. Program jest bardzo rozbudowany i oferuje wiele przydatnych funkcji, których nie znajdziemy w innych tego typu programach. Tworzenie kodu ułatwia numeracja linii, pozwalająca na szybkie dotarcie do konkretnego miejsca, w pełni konfigurowalne podświetlanie składni, domyślnie ustawione dla C/C+, VB, HTML, Java, Perl, XML oraz C#, konfigurowalne mapowanie klawiszy, przeszukiwanie wartości szesnastkowych czy drzewo mirrorów. Dodatkowo program został wyposażony w klienta FTP.

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