[RS] The Mummy: Tomb Of The Dragon Emperor




1. Call to Adventure (Theme from Mummy 3)
2. Silently Yearning for Centuries
3. Open Wound
4. Reign of Terror
5. Family Presses Close
6. Formation of the Terra Cotta Army
7. Reading of the Scrolls
8. Crash and Burn
9. Alex and Lin
10. New Assignment
11. Yang Follows the O'Connellы
12. Shanghai Chase
13. Mother and Daughter Reunion
14. Ancient China
15. Rick's Long Rod
16. Entering the Tomb
17. Visit from a 3-Headed Friend
18. Memories, Retirement and Dinner
19. New Year's Betrayal
20. Emperor Versus Zi Yuan
21. Love in the Himalayas
22. 2nd Century B.C.
23. Museum Becomes Alive!
24. Rick and Evy in Battle
25. Warm Rooftop
26. Heartbreak
27. Return of the Dragon
28. Shielding a Son
29. Finale
30. My Sweet Eternal Love

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