Flash Ecard Tutorial using Actionscript


Flash Ecard Tutorial using Actionscript

Flash Ecard Tutorial using Actionscript | 431 MB

Learn to program a Flash Ecard system using Actionscript 3 or Actionscript 2, and connect to a MySQL database using PHP. This Flash Ecard tutorial teaches how to capture and store input text as well as x and y locations for objects, so the card can be customized using drag and drop methods to "dress up" characters or move around movieclips for other reasons. Also sending the card to an email address is possible, but optional. Cards can be generated without sending to an email address. After creating the card, a URL is displayed for the card location. Capturing a From email address is also possible, but not recommended.

  • zanotowane.pl
  • doc.pisz.pl
  • pdf.pisz.pl
  • jasekupa.opx.pl
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