
Dr. Dre Presents...The Aftermath


1. Aftermath - (The Intro)
2. East Coast / West Coast Killas - Group Therapy
3. Sh**tin On The World - Mel-Man
4. Blunt Time - RBX
5. Been There Done That - Dr. Dre
6. Choices - Kim Summerson
7. As The Worl Keeps Turning - Miscellaneous
8. Got Me Open - Hands-On
9. Str-8 Gone - King T
10. Please - Maurice Wilcher
11. Do 4 Love - Jheryl Lockhart
12. Sexy Dance - RC
13. No Second Chance - Whoz Who
14. L.A.W. (Lyrical Assault Weapon) - Sharief
15. Nationowl - Nowl
16. Fame - RC
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