02.06.07Disco hits 80


Disco Hits 80
1. Evelyn Thomas - High Energy
2. Bonnie Bianco - Miss You So
3. Irene Cara - Flashdance
4. Hot Chocolate - Never Pretend
5. Hot Shot - Fire in the Night
6. Ottawan - Hands Up
7. Sabrina - Boys
8. Bucks Fizz - Making Your Mind Up
9. Dominoe - Here I Am
10. Luv - Ann Maria
11. Gibson Brothers - Que Sera Mi Vida
12. Gloria Gayner - I Am What I Am
13. Bellee Poque - Gimme Time
14. Chips - You Name it I Will Do it
15. Audrey Landers - Santa Maria Goodbye
16. Kool and the Gang - Celebration (Live)
17. The Shorts - Je Suis Tu Es
18. Silver Pozzoli - Around My Dream

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